Scriptwriting, Producing Videos, Podcast, Voice Over, Directing, Explainer Videos (Writing, Shooting, Acting), Audiograms

The Trust The Vote Project is a member-based non-profit initiative of the OSET Institute; a Silicon Valley based (U.S. tax-exempt) non-partisan election technology research and development organization focused on innovations in public voting technology.

This whole delightful palette of work started when I was brought in to punch up the story on a video script. I ended up recording the scratch VO, then got hired to do the official VO as well. From there I had the opportunity to work on copywriting, various performance coaching and writing projects now am a consulting producer, writer, social media strategist, and voice on their Dead Men Don’t Vote podcast.

Learning more about democracy and politics while influencing others to do so   through working to keep the language conversational (AKA 8th grade level) is pretty righteous work.