Television Segment Writing, Voice Over
Animal Planet’s mission is to keep the childhood joy and wonder of animals alive by bringing people up close in every way.
What if I told you I was at a party being my dorky self, doing voices for inanimate objects, and a producer who happened to be at that party called me the next day and hired me to write and voice a project for Animal Planet?
After calling around to see if “Steve” was legit, I found myself hired to work on a segment called Animal Talk that same week. I met Steve (confirmed) at a studio where we watched hours of animal and insect footage until we found scenes that looked like a peacock was performing a monologue or two beetles were having a row. Then we sat down, laughed our asses off, and wrote their dialogue. We stood up, walked 10 feet, and popped into a booth to record the animal voices. Push repeat.
From there, Steve hired me to be a writer and performer for his science-based sketch comedy pilot. In one scene I was filmed in a giant warehouse walking down an aisle smashing old computer equipment, without gloves on. When I finished I looked at the crew and their faces were frozen in shock. I had a gaping, wide-open wound on my hand and there was blood everywhere — which was not in the script. I was high on adrenaline and didn’t feel it. I was rushed me to the hospital where I was stitched up by a doctor who also (unrelated) taught me about intermittent fasting.