I connect your story
and voice to the world
collaboration is my secret weapon
Everything I do relates back to story.
I am a wildly curious seeker of juicy stories and collaborative partners. My brain is an idea-generating machine, programmed to problem-solve. I buckle down and get’er done, provide jaunty feedback and whip-smart puns — when welcome.
Workshops / Events
I teach customized workshops based on storytelling, finding meaning, having a real good time, building empathy and confidence.
I created and lead FOR THE QUIET ONES™ workshops!
Just what it sounds like, I work with individuals, teams, and leaders who consider themselves quieter in general or are mix of introvert/extrovert that are looking to more deeply connect the two sides. When fully connected to the quieter side individuals become fully engaged collaborative listeners and more versatile as speakers, leaders, and in any kind of conversation.
I also design, produce, and coach storytelling shows for your retreat, workplace, or private event.
I have a NEXT LEVEL storytelling & performance workshop starting in OCTOBER! This class is a blast and ends with a showcase at SIREN THEATER on NOV 7.
Check out more on my workshops & events page, then book a consult!
Directing / Interviewing
Ideation & Story Coaching
Need to get relaxed to find new levels of motivation and inspiration? Been kicking around the same tired narrative point over and over? Yearn for an outsiders fresh perspective on a project prior to pitching? You know something is missing but it’s driving you crazy because whatttt. does. it. need??
I get it, I’ve been there and have returned with a bushel and a peck of tools and knowledge. Let’s get loosened up, supercharge and relax your brain(s) and get you back to the intersection of ideaville and buttoned down narrative town.